Justin bieber never let you go acapella
Justin bieber never let you go acapella

justin bieber never let you go acapella

Team that can clear: Child of Light, Death Knight, Oath Keeper, Prima Donnaġ/3: 1-8 is fucking difficult. Sage of Storms could also work, but his activated ability has much less AoE than Bombin' Goblin. Finally, you can choose the AoE damage dealer - I find that Night Raven can get too close sometimes. Snow Queen also provides a very long AoE stun and decent magic damage. Prima Donna will be your only option for healer for a few levels. Child of Light provides the front line tank, and his activated ability is a very long AoE stun. Special notes: Your team composition should usually compose of a front-liner, a healer, a mass AoE damage-dealer, and either single target DPS or mass lockdown. Team that can clear: Child of Light, Prima Donna, Snow Queen, Bombin' Goblin


This guide assumes that you have an intermediate grasp of how to complete hero stages (e.g., don't use auto-cast, always manually target your ultimates when possible, save your ultimates for tough spots, don't stack stuns).Įdit: I will be adding videos as we go along.Įdit 2: In case you don't want to look through the comments, here is the master list.Ĭlear stage with the imposed restrictions (I will be eliminating this requirement from future comments as it is redundant). I am sure there are multiple teams that can beat each stage even easier than the heroes I have listed, but at the very least, the teams below are possible. As I do not purchase heroes, I will only use F2P heroes for completion.

justin bieber never let you go acapella

The comments below will go over teams that can beat each stage. They impose restrictions on several aspects of your team and are generally difficult. Challenge stages do not require stamina, can be attempted as many times as you want per day, but are only available once per account. With the latest update, Challenge stages have been introduced and are available for all players that have cleared Chapter 4 Elite stages.

Justin bieber never let you go acapella